UN Peace Mission Training: SIPA the Most Successful

A female police official of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) was declared the most successful participant of the training for police officials from BH who will be sent to the UN Peacekeeping Operations. At the ceremony held on 27 April 2012, at the Peace Support Operations Training Centre (PSOTC) at the Butmir Camp, upon the training finalisation, 30 participants of the two-month training, including nine women, and their trainers were awarded certificates.

The certificates were handed by the Assistant Minister of Security BH Tomislav Limov and PSOTC Commandant, Colonel Kenan Dautović.

“This training is a considerable step forward in demonstrating the credibility of BH in the UN Peace Missions participation”, said Limov to journalists and pointed out that, after being in a position of the security assistance beneficiary, Bosnia and Herzegovina has reached the level of the assistance and support provider to peacekeeping operations in the world.

The Colonel Dautović pointed out that this two-week training, planned and organised upon the initiative from the Ministry of Security BH, in cooperation with the PSOTC Centre and UN Development Programme Office (UNDP) in Sarajevo, is a result of the joint work of the trainers from law enforcement agencies in BH, PSOTC and UNDP.

“The training has been fully prepared and carried out in accordance with UN standards and for the first time it has been organised in BH for an adequate preparation of police officials from BH for future participation in the UN Peace Support Missions. This is also the first training in BH evaluated by the Department for Peace Keeping Operations (DPKO), for obtaining a UN accreditation”, said Dautović.

The Assistant Minister of Defence Ahmet Hadžiomerović congratulated the participants on successfully completed training and pointed out that grand challenges and demanding tasks are ahead of them in the Peace Building Operations around the world and in strengthening the BH role in the security system of the world.

The ceremony was attended by senior officials from the Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Security BH, entity and cantonal Ministries of Interior, Brčko District Police and police agencies within the Ministry of Security.

Currently, 39 police officials are employed in three Peace Missions in South Sudan, Cyprus and Liberia.

During the past ten years, 155 representatives from BH participated in UN Peace Missions around the world.