Continuation of activities in operation „Istok“
- 05.09.2018.
- 10:09
In continuation of activities in operation “East”, police officials of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) apprehended one individual, the citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republic of Serbia, due to reasonable grounds to believe that he committed a criminal offence "Smuggling of Persons", as referred to in Article 189 of the Criminal Code of B&H.
The individual concerned was interrogated as a suspect, since being suspected of engaging one person on dates 2/9. and 3/9/2018 to transport 32 migrants from Pakistan from Tuzla to Olovo, in order to obtain
Police officials of SIPA continue the activities on this matter with the aim of proving that the criminal offense "Smuggling of People" as referred to in Article 189 of the Criminal Code of B&H has been committed. A report on the perpetrated criminal offense will be submitted to the Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina.