Contact us by phone, email or visit the nearest SIPA office
You may report information, data and useful findings about any suspicious activity, planning or perpetration of criminal offence by using our online form. If you wish to be anonymous, you are not required to fill out the fields related to your personal information.
Please could you answer the following questions: 1) Who the offender is?, 2) What happened?, 3) Where, when and how it happened?, 4) Who the perpetrator was with?, 5) Why the criminal offence was perpetrated (motive)?, 6) To whose detriment? Who was the victim?, 7) Are there any witnesses?
Have you ever wanted to report a criminal offence, but in fear for your personal safety, you did not do it?
SIPA provides you an anonymous and free of charge Crimestoppers phone number to report a crime – 080 020 505. This number is available 24 hours a day in the entire territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Crime-Stoppers hotline is intended solely for the reporting of information, data and useful findings available to citizens about planning or perpetration of criminal offence.