Training on Cross-Border Crime

Police officials of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) and the Montenegro Ministry of Interior from December 14th to December 17th, 2010 will be attending a seminar on Secret Surveillance and Technical Recording of Persons and Objects.

The seminar titled „Cross-border Surveillance Exercise” is composed of a theoretical and a practical part and, among other things, its aim is exchange of experiences between police officials from B&H and police officials from Montenegro, an overview of a complete technical equipment, and sending a strong message to criminal groups that they are not safe when they cross the borders of a country in which they committed criminal offences.

Participants of the seminar, organised owing to the OSCE and the Secretariat of the Police Cooperation Convention for Southeast Europe were addressed by Mirko Lujic, Director of SIPA, Himzo Selimovic, Head of the Directorate for the Coordination of the Police Bodies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Thomas Pepper, international expert on cross-border cooperation and Valery Korotenko from OSCE.

“Special investigative actions, including secret surveillance and technical recording of criminals, are extremely important in investigating complex cases of organised crime, which as a rule is also cross-border crime”, said Mirko Lujic, the Director of SIPA.

“This training will not only enhance international police cooperation, but write a new page of history, since the police officials of SIPA will operate in the territory of other countries as well, owing to it”, said Thomas Pepper, international expert for cross-border cooperation.

Himzo Selimovic, Head of the Directorate for the Coordination of Police Bodies in B&H, believes that the four-day training will result in expanding the existing and gaining new experiences.