Successful Cooperation between SIPA and OLAF

The representatives of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) and the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) established a good and fruitful cooperation following the first official contact in the meeting held in September 2014.

The September meeting in SIPA premises discussed future cooperation on investigative activities related to inappropriate expenditure of the funds invested in B&H through the EU funds, and these activities were continued during the visit of the SIPA investigative team to Brussels. SIPA and OLAF investigative teams established a very close communication and cooperation in carrying out the joint investigative activities.   

As result, SIPA received a letter of thanks from OLAF for successful cooperation yesterday (18/03/2015). The letter of thanks pointed out SIPA willingness to cooperate and provide support to OLAF in its mission to protect financial interests of the European Union. It also expressed their satisfaction with the continuation of future cooperation through joint investigations.

SIPA is at disposal to OLAF for any future assistance and will be pleased to participate in joint investigative activities in order to protect financial interests of the European Union.