Students of Postgraduate Studies of the Faculty of Political Science Visited SIPA

On 5 December 2013, students of the second year of Postgraduate Studies of the Faculty of Political Science in Sarajevo, accompanied by Vlado Azinović, PhD, visited the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA), where a lecture on terrorism was held.

Representatives from the Section for Combating Terrorism and Trafficking in Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Weapons and Special Support Unit of SIPA, who encounter this phenomenon in their daily activities, held a lecture for the students of the Department for Security at the Faculty of Political Science who are taking the course of “Terrorism and Political Violence”.

In order to explain the phenomenon of terrorism as the most serious global security threat of today, the lectures covered the role of SIPA in the security system of BH and its competences in the fight against this type of crime.

The students visited the official premises of SIPA used by members of the mentioned Section, questioning rooms, as well as the Headquarters of the Special Support Unit of SIPA.
They also watched a promotional video about the Special Support Unit presenting exercises and excerpts from actual operations. The students tried the laser shot, and demonstrative exercise was presented as well.

This visit is one of the results of a successful cooperation between the State Investigation and Protection Agency and Department for Security and Peace Studies at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Sarajevo, which will be continued.