Slovenian Delegation in Visit to SIPA – Future Cooperation Agreed

On 26 February 2014, Delegation of the Republic of Slovenia which included Marjan Fank Director of the Criminal Police of the Slovenian Ministry of Interior, Albert Černigoj Head of Anti-Terrorism Department and Janko Goršek Slovenian Police Attaché, visited the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA). The Delegation of the Republic of Slovenia met with Goran Zubac, Director of SIPA, Anđelko Hrgić, Assistant Director of SIPA and Dragan Golijan Acting Head of Cabinet.

Matters in the Domain of Organised Crime with a particular emphasis on current issues in anti-terrorism and trafficking in weapons were discussed at the meeting. Modalities and direction of future cooperation in joint cases were also agreed.

The participants of the meeting concluded that cooperation between SIPA and Slovenian Ministry of Interior had been extremely successful and it would be continued.