SIPA’s Special Support Unit Wins Five-A-Side Soccer Tournament

A break from numerous operative tasks between 4 and 12 September 2012, the State Investigation and Protection Agency’s police officials used for playing a five-a-side soccer tournament organised on the occasion of a seven-year anniversary of the Special Support Unit. The tournament was held at the “Una” Sports and Recreation Centre in Sarajevo.

Twelve teams participated at the tournament composed of members of the Special Support Unit, Criminal Investigation Department, War Crimes Investigation Centre, Witness Protection Department, Operative Support Service and SIPA’s Regional Offices in Tuzla, Mostar and Sarajevo.

Final Match Director Zubac with Tournament Participants

A winning trophy was raised by the members of the Special Support Unit, owing to the win in the final match on Friday 14 September 2012, against the team of the Sarajevo Regional Office. The trophies were also awarded to the best scorer and the best goalkeeper of the tournament.

For his selfless support in their work, SIPA’s Special Support Unit presented a special award of recognition to the Agency’s Director Zubac, who attended the final match and along with the Unit’s commander, Mirsad Vilić, handed over the winning trophies.

Trophies for Best Team, Scorer and Goalkeeper Special Award of Recognition Presented to Director Zubac

A wish of this year’s five-a-side soccer organiser and all SIPA members is for a five-a-side soccer tournament, held for the first time this year, to become traditional. The tournament winner is obliged to hand over the winning trophy to a new winner next year.