SIPA’s Special Support Unit Visited by Journalists

On March 24th 2011, as a part of the “Stronger, Faster, Better” Campaign, implemented in cooperation with the EU Police Mission (EUPM), members of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) Special Support Unit arranged socialising with B&H journalists – B&H media representatives.

The participants of the gathering held at the Special Support Unit HQ in Lukavica, Istocno Sarajevo, were greeted by the EUPM Commissioner Stefan Feller, the SIPA Director Mirko Lujic and the Commander of the Special Support Unit Mirsad Vilic, pointing out their commitment to further capacity reinforcement and coordination of the police agencies in B&H, as well as cooperation at the local community level.

Commissioner Feller emphasised the importance of SIPA in preventing all types of crime and providing secure environment in B&H. He also commended the engagement of the Special Support Unit members and its Commander personally.

Director Lujic pointed out that the elite Unit representing the most efficient part of SIPA has been at the centre of interest and efforts are being made to ensure optimal working conditions for the Unit.

“The state has expressed its determination to finance adequate premises (Headquarters) for this Unit, and we are hoping to finalise that project in two years”, said Director Lujic, also congratulating its members on extremely successful engagement so far.

While answering the journalists’ questions in relation to security threats in B&H, Lujic and Feller expressed their determination for efficient response to all such possible challenges, whether in relation to organised crime, terrorism or combating corruption, and pointed out that no one can be above the law.

During this gathering, the journalists were introduced to the most up-to-date equipment in possession of the SIPA’s Special Support Unit.

The members of the Unit successfully carried out 268 operational missions, and apprehended 147 individuals suspected of various criminal offences. The Unit carried out all orders from the Court B&H and the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H without a single incident.

Since the implementation of the “Stronger, Faster, Better” Campaign is under way with the intention of bringing closer the police work to the B&H citizens, it was pointed out that approximately 15 citizens daily contact SIPA with information important for its efficient functioning in fostering public order and peace and general individual and property safety, i.e. complete security environment.

The “Stronger, Faster, Better” Campaign is implemented with the cooperation of all police agencies in B&H, led by EUPM, and directed towards promoting police work in the community and strengthening trust between citizens and police officials.


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