SIPA Warned Elementary-School Pupils: Paedophiles Lurking on the Internet!

Today, 5.6.2012 – Around hundred pupils of the elementary school „Sveti Sava“ from Istočno Novo Sarajevo visited the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) in order to get acquainted, among other things, with the proper use of the social network Facebook and dangers lurking on the Internet.
Head of the SIPA's Operational Support Service, Boris Ivanović warned the pupils of a large number of paedophiles and persons involved in human trafficking „lurking“ everyday on the Internet and urged them not to accept as friends on the social networks people they do not know and their calls for socialising and drink.

Teenagers are the most often victims of the online monsters The pupils are distributed promotional leaflets

„The most frequent victims of the online monsters are teenagers who think that starting an online conversation with an older and strange person is a sign of their growing up and freedom. Pedophiles are very persistent and do not choose the ways and means to reach children, and they often use blackmails”, warned Ivanović.
During the two-hour visit the seventh grade students had the opportunity to talk with members of the Special Support Unit and thus become familiar with the organization and operations of the Agency and they were distributed the promotional leaflets as well.