SIPA SSU Members Win Indoor Soccer Tournament

An indoor soccer tournament was organised on the occasion of the 8. Anniversary of the establishment of the SIPA Special Support Unit, in the period 5-12/9/2013 and during the pauses between numerous operations, which included 13 teams comprised of the members of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA).

The tournament took place in 'Una' Sports and Recreational Centre in Sarajevo. Members of the Special Support Unit, Criminal Investigation Department, War Crime Investigation Centre, Witness Protection Department, Operations Support Service, Financial-Intelligence Department and Regional SIPA Mostar and Sarajevo Offices participated in the tournament.

The first place was won by the SSU 'Alfa' team after winning 'Beta' team in a final match held 12/9/2013. A member of the Criminal Investigation Department was a top scorer while the best goal keeper was from the Special Support Unit.

'The credibility built with our citizens obliges us not to waste our time but to continue with our trainings and education responsibly and decisively in order to be ready to respond anytime and anywhere to all the tasks laid before us.’ Mirsad Vilić, the SSU Commander said during the trophy presentation.

The Commander Vilić thanked all the tournament participants especially the SSU members for their mutual respect and a high degree of professionalism showed over the years of the Unit’s existence as well as the Agency's Management for its support and trust.