SIPA SSU Members Took Part in International Competition in Practical Shooting

Members of the State Investigation and Protection Agency Special Support Unit (SIPA SSU) participated in IV International Police Competition in Practical Shooting by IPSC (International Practical Shooting Confederation) rules, which was held at the shooting range Dotršćina in Zagreb on 1/10/2014 on the occasion of celebrating the Day of Police of the MoI of Republic of Croatia.

The competition was organised by Anti-Terrorist Unit “Lučko“ in coordination with the Command of Special Police and Police Academy of the MOI of Republic of Croatia. 80 competitors from various special units from Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, divided into 18 teams, participated in the competition.

Four different types of weapons - pistol, submachine gun, automatic rifle, and shotgun were used during the competition, and the police officials of SIPA took the sixth place in overall teams ranking.

Members of the Special Support Unit showed a high level of training and skill in handling weapons, although not professionally engaged in competitions by the IPSC rules.

Participation in the competition has contributed to building friendship and developing cooperation between members of special units of the countries in the region, for which SIPA is very happy.