SIPA Special Support Unit Visited by B&H Minister of Security


Today, 3 November, 2011, SIPA's Special Support Unit was visited by the Minister of Security of B&H, Sadik Ahmetović.
During an hour-long discussion with the Agency’s management and members of the Unit, the Minister Ahmetović thanked them for the apprehension of the US Embassy attacker in B&H on 28 October, 2011.
„You have shown that you rank the world police agencies. You have capacities, knowledge and skills to deal with the most challenging tasks jeopardising even your lives. You have been authentic representatives of both your Agency and entire Bosnia and Herzegovina” said Minister Ahmetović to the Unit’s members.
Minister Ahmetović emphasized that the working facilities of the Unit are in a bad condition and promised that he will help in finding solution for construction of a building for permanent accommodation of the Unit.
„The SIPA’s Special Support Unit is a unique and specific unit of its kind in B&H. Even besides difficult working conditions, the Unit’s members have achieved remarkable results within the last six months”, said SIPA’s Director Mirko Lujić and added that training and equipping of this unit has to be continued in the future.
„Goal of each member of the SIPA’s Special Support Unit is to protect the citizens of B&H in danger. We will always strive to make all people feel secure in our country”, said Commander of the SIPA’s Special Support Unit, Mirsad Vilić.
The meeting was attended also by the SIPA Deputy Director Marko Dominković.