SIPA Special Support Unit Successfully Completed Course for Guides and Rescuers

Seven police officials of the Special Support Unit of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) successfully completed the course for guides and rescuers. The course organised by Banja Luka Rafting Club “Kanjon” was delivered in the period 24-28 October under the rules of the International Rafting Federation (IRF).

During the course the members of the Special Support Unit went through theoretical and practical lectures primarily related to water rescuing techniques. The theoretical part consisted of introduction to the equipment, hydrology, paddling and rescue techniques, while practical part was conducted in the canyons of Tara and Drina rivers. Within the practical part, the SSU members were trained in paddling techniques, wild water boat rafting under the circumstances of natural disasters, as well as rescue techniques on the water, as well as use of ropes and a system of rescuing people and material - technical resources from the water.

Instructor of both theoretical and practical part of the course was Aleksandar Pastir from the International Rafting Federation. This course improved knowledge and skills of the SSU members who will continue to acquire new skills and knowledge in order to successfully meet all security challenges.