SIPA: Skunk Laboratory Discovered in Sarajevo Area

On 4 June, 2013, acting by the verbal orders of the Cantonal Court and Canton Sarajevo Prosecutor’s Office, members of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) carried out a search of a private house in Ahatovici, Novi Grad Municipality revealing two laboratories for production of narcotic drugs „skunk“.
The search resulted in a discovery of around 230 herbs of skunk, a considerable quantity of foil boxes containing soil where the drugs were planted and narcotic substances prepared for further distribution. In addition, complete electrical distribution boxes, ballasts, bulbs used to help growing and blooming of the narcotic drugs, chemicals necessary for cultivation, accurate digital scales, packaging accessories as well as other items that may serve as evidence were revealed and seized. As part of this operation, two individuals brought into connection with perpetration of the criminal offence “Illicit Production and Sale of Narcotic Drugs” under the Article 238 of the FB&H CC were deprived of liberty.

The apprehended individuals were brought to the premises of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) for criminal processing and would be handed over to the Prosecutor’s Office for further proceedings.
The public will be kept informed of the further actions in this case.

To see a footage please click here.

A video of today’s apprehension: