SIPA: Searches of Five Locations for Illicit Arms Trafficking are Underway

Today (23/06/2014) – police officials of the State Investigation and Protection Agency are searching buildings in five locations under the case codenamed “Pink” in the area of Banja Luka, Laktaši and Prijedor. These activities are carried out upon the orders of the Court B&H and Prosecutor’s Office B&H and on the request for mutual legal assistance of the Superior Court in Paris. 

The searches are carried out to document the criminal offence of organized crime in conjunction with the criminal offence of Illicit Trafficking in Arms and Military Equipment and Products of Dual Use, committed by an organised criminal group on the territories of B&H and France.

The French Police seized a considerable quantity of automatic rifles, pistols and ammunition in April 2013, which was smuggled in hidden compartments of a vehicle from B&H to France and apprehended five BH citizens.

As part of today’s operation, several individuals, brought into connection with perpetration of the criminal offences, will be interrogated in the SIPA premises and it will be decided on their further status based on the decision of the competent prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office B&H.