SIPA: Searches of Buildings at Seven Locations for Illicit Trafficking in Arms


On 2 June 2014, in the framework of the case code-named “Metz”, police officials of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA), in cooperation with members of the Una Sana Canton Ministry of Interior, searched buildings at seven locations in Bužim, Velika Kladuša and Cazin Municipalities. These activities were carried out upon orders by the Court BH and Prosecutor’s Office BH, after a request for international legal assistance from the Superior Court in Nancy, Republic of France.

The searches were carried out with the aim of documenting a criminal offence of illicit trafficking in arms and military equipment and products of dual use, committed by an organised group in the territory of BH, Germany and France.

In September 2012, the French police seized a quantity or automatic arms and ammunition smuggled from BH in hidden compartments of a passenger motor vehicle to France and arrested two BH citizens.

In the framework of today’s action, several persons in relation with the perpetrations of the criminal offence were interviewed at the official premises of the Una Sana Canton Ministry of Interior, whereupon pursuant to a decision by the acting Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office BH, it would be decided about their further status.