SIPA Searched Two Locations for Embezzlement and Money Counterfeiting

Today (19/5/2015) – Police officials of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) searched two locations in the area of Zvornik and Kalesija Municipalities and a vehicle used by the individual identified by initials SC with the aim to detect and seize items that may serve as evidence in further proceedings.

The activities were carried out upon orders of the Court B&H and Prosecutor’s Office B&H in cooperation with police officials of Tuzla Canton MoI and Republika Srpska MoI.

The individual SC is suspected of having committed the criminal offence under Article 348 of the CC of Republika Srpska “Embezzlement” and criminal offence under Article 205 of the CC B&H “Money Counterfeiting” in conjunction with Article 53 of the CC B&H.

The activities in this case continue and the public will be subsequently informed of the final outcomes.