SIPA Searched Locations in Brod Municipality within 'Blef' Joint Operation

 12/10/2013 – Acting by the orders of the Court and Prosecutor's Office of B&H, police officials of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) searched residential facilities located in Brod Municipality whose beneficiary was IK from Brod.The activities were carried out as a follow-up of the case codenamed „Blef“resulting in disruption of weapon and drug smuggling channel outside B&H borders.

As result of joint activities of SIPA members and German police, IK was deprived of liberty earlier in Cologne.

During apprehension, a kilogram of cocaine, certain quantity of ammunition and arms as well as other objects that can be used as evidence in further proceedings were found and seized from the suspect.

These activities were coordinated by Cologne Prosecutor's Office (Germany) and Prosecutor's Office of B&H.