SIPA Members of IPA Association Took Part in Project “Let’s Play and Learn Together”

SIPA Special Support Unit members of IPA International Association, Section Bosnia and Herzegovina, took part in the implementation of the Association’s Project “Let’s Play and Learn Together”.

The project beneficiaries are school-aged children in Sarajevo and Istočno Sarajevo, while the objective of the Project is to increase the level of traffic culture among children, and build mutual trust between citizens and police.

The Project is implemented during 2014 and during the implementation, school children are given lectures on traffic safety on B&H roads through socialisation and play and educational promotional materials in the form of picture books. Activities under this project have started and SIPA members together with their colleagues from Border Police of B&H, Federal Police Administration and Ministry of Interior of RS, visited Elementary School “Sveti Sava” in Istočno Sarajevo yesterday (02/10/2014) and the Third Elementary School in Ilidža in the previous period.

The activities will be continued in the following period and will contribute to developing trust between the youngest population and police structures of the country as well as raising awareness on traffic culture.