SIPA Members Completed EOD Training

With a certificates award ceremony held on 2 November 2012, a specialised training on removal, deactivation and destruction of explosives, terrorist and military devices (EOD Training), attended by six members of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA), was completed.

During the two-month training, members of SIPA, Armed Forces BH and Army of the Republic of Macedonia supplemented their knowledge in lectures, practical demonstration by members of the Demining Battalion of Armed Forces BH, who were also the lecturers at the training, and practical work.

The training with the aim of specialising police officials of SIPA in this area was held between 17 September and 2 November 2012 at the EOD Teams Training Centre of the Armed Forces BH.

The cooperation between the State Investigation and protection Agency and Armed Forces BH in training SIPA’s police officials in so-called EOD operations will be continued in 2013.