SIPA Director Supported Activities of “Police Women's Network” Association

Today (24/3/2015) – The meeting of woman police officials of SIPA, members of the Association “Police Women’s Network”, was held in the premises of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA). The meeting was also attended by Director Goran Zubac, who expressed his full support to the Association.

The Coordinator of the Association presented the latest activities of the Association “Police Women’s Network” as well as planned future activities and discussed the status of police officials in state-level police structures. 

The objective of the Association is to promote gender equality and democratic principles in the police work, with an emphasis on protecting the rights of police officials, ensuring equal status and increasing the number of women in police structures and particularly in management positions.   

Director Goran Zubac expressed his full support to SIPA women police officials and said that SIPA Management will support all requests aimed at improvement of their status.

He also said that SIPA equally treated all his servants, and that everyone had equal rights and obligations. He particularly encouraged woman police officials of SIPA to perform their official duties and responsibilities professionally, because the results of the work are the basic criteria for career advancement, while the main goal of SIPA Management is staff profiling and strengthening the overall capacity of the Agency.