SIPA Director Goran Zubac Supported Police Women Network Activities

 Today 31/10/2013- a meeting of the Association “Police Women Network“ was held in the premises of the State Investigation and Protection Agency. The SIPA women police officials attended the meeting and the active members of the Association presented their previous activities.

In addition to learning about the Association activities, the objective of the meeting was to include into membership of this Association as many SIPA women police officials as possible.

The meeting also discussed expansion of the Association membership at the level of the Agency and beyond and joint future activities to meet the objectives of the Association and improve integrity and status of women police officials in the law enforcement agencies.

The SIPA women police officials were addressed by the Agency's Director Goran Zubac, who said that he greatly supports the activities of the association.

He also said that there are 70 women police officials in SIPA which is 12,7% of the total number of authorised officials in the Agency and that the number will be increased in the future in line with the obligations set out in the Action Plan for Implementation of the UNSCR 1325 Resolution „Women, Peace and Security“ in B&H.

We remind that the Police Women Network, headquartered in Sarajevo, was officially registered at the beginning of 2012, bringing together women police officials from 15 police agencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim of the Association is to promote gender equality and democratic principles in police work, with an emphasis on protecting the rights of women police officials, providing equal status and a general increase of the number of women in the police structures particularly in managerial positions.