SIPA Conducted Search in Five Locations in the Area of Sarajevo and Apprehended Two Individuals

Acting on the orders of the Cantonal Court in Sarajevo and the Sarajevo Canton Prosecutor's Office, police officials of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (hereinafter: SIPA) began this morning (07/07/2016) search of facilities in five locations in the Sarajevo area.

The individuals identified by initials EŠ (1972) and HB (1972) were apprehended due to grounds for suspicion of having committed criminal offenses of Organized Crime (Article 342 of the FB&H CC) in conjunction with the criminal offense of Tax Evasion (Article 273 of the FB&H CC) and Money Laundering (Article 272 FB&H CC).

The arrested individuals will be brought to the official premises of SIPA for the criminal investigation; thereafter their further status will be decided in accordance with instructions of the acting prosecutor.