SIPA Apprehended Two Individuals for War Crime

This morning (17/2/2015) – Acting upon orders of the Prosecutor’s Office B&H, police officials of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) apprehended two individuals in Bihać and Sarajevo for war crime.

Two individuals identified by initials MJ(1968 ) and SV (1966) were deprived of liberty due to grounded suspicion of having committed the criminal offence under Article 172 Paragraph (1) of the CC B&H „War Crime against Humanity” in the area of Livno during 1992 in conjunction with Article 180 of the CC B&H “Individual and Command Responsibility” and Article 29 of the CC B&H “Co-perpetration”.

The apprehended individuals will be brought to SIPA premises for criminal processing after which they will be handed over to the Prosecutor’s Office for further proceedings.