SIPA and OSA: Together against Terrorism, Organised Crime and Corruption

On 23 October 2012, after a meeting held the day before with the management of the Central Bosnia Canton Ministry of Interior, the Director of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) Goran Zubac discussed the security situation with the Director of the Intelligence Security Agency of BH (OSA) Almir Džuvo.

At the working meeting attended by their associates, the Directors Zubac and Džuvo agreed that SIPA and OSA, in line with their competences, will perform the analysis of the security situation in BH in the area of terrorism, corruption and organised crime, whereupon work priorities will be defined, within which these Agencies will carry out measures and activities pursuant to the adopted strategy for combating these criminal offences.

Today’s Meeting SIPA’s Certificate of Appreciation handed to Director of OSA Recognition of OSA handed to Director of SIPA

 During the two-hour meeting, a special emphasis was placed on the work of the Task Force for Combating Terrorism, in whose work, in addition to SIPA members, members of OSA participate, whereby further guidelines for the work of this Task Force were adopted. The inevitability of solving particular legal assumptions required for the participation of members of other BH police agencies and institutions in the work of the Group was also emphasised.

The Directors Zubac and Džuvo agreed on a joint position and participation of SIPA’s police officials and OSA’s members in working meetings to be held in the upcoming period with managers of other police agencies in BH, where issues of terrorism, organised crime and corruption will be discussed as well.

In token of gratitude for successful cooperation so far, the Directors of SIPA and OSA exchanged Awards of Recognition and Certificates of Appreciation.