SIPA and British Light Dragoons Unit Exchanged Experience in Special Operations Tactics

Yesterday (24/9/2014) – Police officials of the Special Support Unit of State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) and Light Dragoons Unit of the British Army exchanged their experience in special operations tactics by demonstrating various exercises and presenting weapons, vehicles and other equipment at the Armed Forces Shooting Range in Pazarić. The Light Dragoons Unit joined permanent EUFOR staff to B&H in July this year.

These activities were attended by Major General Dieter Heidecker, Commander of EUFOR B&H, Colonel Paul Marshall, newly appointed British Military Attaché in B&H and Acting Commander of the SIPA Special Support Unit Jovica Mirosavljević.

SIPA Special Support Unit Members demonstrated their skills in special operations tactics in crisis situations and high-risk arrest tactics as well as their sniper skills, while the Light Dragoons members demonstrated their military skills and knowledge.

The activities at the shooting range were preceded by a visit of the Light Dragons members to the HQ of the SIPA Special Support Unit. On that occasion, they were presented the way of work and competence of the Unit as well as the most important activities realised in recent years. The Light Dragoons members presented their long history, role and competence of the Regiment within the British Army.

The joint activities will be continued today (25/9/2014) when the both units will present their climbing skills at the training grounds around Sarajevo.

This kind of cooperation and exchange of experience with members of EUFOR contributed to a much higher level of skills of the SIPA Special Suport Unit and building a friendship between the two elite units.

The cooperation will be continued in the future period.