Since 18 February, Activities of SIPA can be followed on Facebook

On 18 February 2014, due to growing popularity of Facebook social network and the potential for additional promotion of operations by the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA), as well as development of a new interaction with the population through Facebook, modelled after global police practices, an official SIPA’s page was created on this social network.

Under the user name of “SIPA Police”, the citizens will be able to find information on recent operations by SIPA and other interesting facts about the Agency’s activities. This page will also be used for the promotion of SIPA’s official web page because links first put to the official web page will be posted here. SIPA’s Facebook page will also additionally promote the “Crime Stoppers” hotline in order to encourage the citizens to report information and findings about plans to perpetrate or perpetration of a criminal offence.

All Facebook users will be able to follow SIPA’s profile and receive information about new press releases on this page. Users also have the possibility to share and like releases and thereby show their support to SIPA in combating all types of crime.