Seizure of Counterfeit Banknotes and Apprehension of Three Persons in Mostar

As part of continuing activities on detection of crimes related to money counterfeiting and illicit trade in narcotic drugs, police officials of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) arrested three persons with initials S.H. (1973), B.Š. (1968) and K.B. (1970) in Mostar.

During the apprehension they seized 153 banknotes in denominations of 20 KM, around 2 kg of herbal substance, which due to its charcateristics resembles Indian cannabis (marijuana), equipment used for money counterfeiting, mobile phones, etc.

After completion of documentation, the arrested persons together with a criminal report on the criminal offences committed under Article 205 of the CC BiH (Money Counterfeiting) and Article 238 of the CCFBiH (Illicit Production and Sale of Narcotic Drugs) will be handed over to the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H.

The operation was conducted by the orders of the Court of B&H and with the assistance of MoI of Herzegovina-Neretva Canton.

Police officials of the State Investigation and Protection Agency will continue the activities on disruption of this type of crime and its perpetrators.