Searches of Several Locations for Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs


Police officials of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) started this morning a joint operation with the Republika Srpska MoI in the cases codenamed ”Alf“ and “Rubikon“.

Members of SIPA searched buildings at five locations in the area of Zenica, Gradačac and Palegićevo and arrested two individuals while the members of Republika Srpska MoI simultaneously searched several locations in the area of Bijeljina Public Security Centre having arrested several suspects. The activities were carried out upon the orders of the Court BH and Prosecutor’s Office BH.

These individuals are suspected of having committed the criminal offence under Article 250 of the CC BH „Organised Crime” in conjunction with criminal offence under Article 195 of the CC BH “Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs”. The reports against these individuals were earlier submitted to the competent prosecutor’s office.

The individuals arrested by SIPA will be brought to the SIPA Regional office in Tuzla for criminal processing. Following criminal processing, their further status will be decided upon the instructions of the competent prosecutor.