Recognition Awards Ceremony for SIPA Officials

Today, 23/12/2013 - Recognition Awards Ceremony of Ministry of Security of B&H and State Investigation and Protection Agency was held for SIPA police officials who were awarded for outstanding results achieved in 2013.

Recognition awards of B&H Ministry of Security (Police Medal of Bravery, Golden Police Medal and Silver Police Medal) were presented by Minister of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina Fahrudin Radončić, while recognition awards of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA Embossed Emblem) were presented by SIPA Director Goran Zubac.

Police Medal of Bravery was presented to one of SIPA police officials, Golden Police Medal was presented to six police officials while 14 police officials were awarded with Silver Police Medal.
The embossed emblem of the State Investigation and Protection Agency, the highest recognition of SIPA, was handed over to the

Minister of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina Fahrudin Radoncic and Deputy Director of Agency for Education and Professional Training Boris Ivanović for their contribution in building and strengthening the overall capacity of SIPA. This recognition was presented also to five SIPA officials while Certificate of Commendation and watches were presented to two SIPA officials.

Minister Radončić presented the Ministry of Security Special Commendation Award to SIPA Director Goran Zubac, emphasising that SIPA has become a big brand accomplishing brilliant results. He compared SIPA with the American FBI pointing out that the results show the efficiency, enthusiasm and professionalism of this Agency. „SIPA has become a regionally recognisable model Agency and reliable partner of police forces of the most developed European countries“, Minister Radončić pointed out.

He congratulated the bravest officials who contributed to the affirmation of SIPA and said that the results achieved confirm that SIPA is the leading agency in the fight against the most serious types of crime and corruption.

Director Zubac said that the awarded officials are the most competent investigators of the Agency who worked on the most complex cases, and who were able and willing to perform any task. He especially congratulated them on their courage, sacrifice and principled work.

Moreover, four women inspectors were among the awarded officials of whom two were awarded with Silver Police Medal and two received Certificate of Commendation and watches. Recognition Awards.

Ceremony photos can be viewed here.