Police Officials of SIPA Took Part in the Zagreb Half Marathon and Danube Half Marathon

Police officials of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) took part in the 22nd Zagreb Half Marathon and 18th Danube Half Marathon, which were held on 13 October 2013 in Zagreb and 19 October 2013 in Apatin.

Two police officials of SIPA, members of the Special Support Unit, represented the Agency among 1000 participants in the Zagreb Half Marathon, where they took 88th and 118th place. In the Danube Half Marathon, attended by 450 participants, members of SIPA took 62nd and 77th place.

Upon a successfully completed race, the police officials of SIPA were awarded Certificate of Attendance and gifts.
SIPA is proud to have had its representatives in these sports events, where they had the opportunity to demonstrate strength and endurance and promote the Agency in the region and beyond.