Police Official of SIPA Nominated the Most Successful Police Official of UN Mission in South Sudan

Senka Sojkić, a police official of SIPA and a member of the BH Police Contingent in South Sudan, was nominated the most successful official of the UN Peace Keeping Mission (UNMISS).

Sojkić, along with one more member of UNMISS, was nominated by the UNMISS Police Commissioner for exceptional work efforts and results in the UN Mission in South Sudan. The selection and award ceremony will be held at the end of this month in Canada.

Congratulations for the nomination for this important recognition were sent by Mladen Ćavar, Deputy Minister of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina. He said that this was another confirmation of professionalism and training level of police officials from BH who with their work and commitment to peace keeping in critical areas represent our country in the best light.

Participation in peace keeping missions is an international obligation
of Bosnia and Herzegovina, sign of stability and development of a country and its institutions, as well as a contribution to the international peace. Therefore, SIPA is very proud of excellent results by its members in the UN peace keeping missions. Special congratulations to Senka Sojkić were also expressed by Goran Zubac, Director of SIPA.

Senka Sojkić started working for the State Investigation and Protection Agency within the first class of SIPA cadets in 2007 and so far she has had significant results in her police career. She has been in the UN peace keeping mission in South Sudan since April 2013 and spent all this time in Benti (Unity State), which is regarded one of the most high risk areas of the region.