Police Official of SIPA Appointed Liaison Officer in Paris

The State Investigation and protection Agency (SIPA), in line with the Agreement between Bosnia and Herzegovina and France, upon a written approval from the Ministry of Security BH, appointed a police official as a liaison officer between the Police of France and the State Investigation and Protection Agency.

The appointed liaison officer, a SIPA police official, started working at the Prefecture of Police in Paris on 3 February 2014.

The appointment of the liaison officer is aimed at reinforcing international police cooperation and information exchange. This will also facilitate the work of the French Police in fighting delinquency in public, particularly types related to thefts in public transport in Paris, involving to some degree BH citizens.

France has applied similar practice with other countries of South-East Europe, which proved extremely efficient.

This is a continuation of very successful cooperation between the State Investigation and Protection Agency and Internal Security Service of the Embassy of the Republic of France in BH.