Participants of the 9th annual B&H Security Policy Course Visited SIPA's SSU

On 4 June, 2013 Participants of the 9th annual B&H Security Policy Course visited the Special Support Unit of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) in order to get acquainted with the work and role of the elite Unit in the implementation of Security Policy of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This training is carried out in accordance with the "BiH Security Policy Paper" and internationally recognized achievements in this field. During the visit, the SIPA SSU Commander Mirsad Vilić presented the organizational structure of the unit, trainings and educations planned for police officers, as well as the excellent results achieved in the previous period. "These results were achieved thanks to very demanding trainings and great efforts of the Unit’s members as well as with the support of Agency’s management and foreign governments primarily the U.S. Government and ICITAP," Mirsad Vilić said.

He particularly emphasised the statistical data, stating that 748 individuals were deprived of liberty for the eight-year period and that in doing so there were neither excessive use of the means of force nor complaints of the arrested persons in relation to the work of the Unit, which shows that the members of the SSU have reached a high level of professionalism, training and qualifications.
At the end of the visit the trainees were presented a tactical demonstration drill "Vehicle Attack” and were given the opportunity to test their shooting skills at the Laser Shot.