OTHERS ABOUT US: Slovenian “Žurnal” Published Article on SIPA’s Case Code-Named “Tešanj”

On 23 November 2013, the Slovenian newspaper “Žurnal” published an article about a case of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) code-named “Tešanj”, in the framework of which a large quantity of weapons was found.

Among other things, the article talks about 1.302 missiles found in the Tešanj Municipality, activities carried out by SIPA within this case, difficulties encountered and witnesses who spoke publically about the weapons on television.

In addition, an overview of an interview with the director of SIPA is given, in which he talks about illegal storage of weapons and risk that weapons and explosives might fall into wrong hands. The “Žutnal24” quotes the Director from the interview in which he said: “Such quantity of weapons might have destabilised the country and the region as well.