Others about Us: SIPA Celebrated 10th Anniversary, Demonstration Drill Received Ovations

On 4 October 2012, the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) marked its 10th Anniversary with a celebration and appropriate programme.

The beginning of the ceremony was marked by a demonstration drill of the Special Support Unit members, including martial arts, apprehension of suspects and helicopter manoeuvres.

After the drill, which received ovations in front of the SIPA building in Lukavica, the Prime Minister Bevanda pointed out that that the Agency was an important component for the protection of security and congratulated on SIPA’s Anniversary.

“The Council of Ministers strives to be a good partner to SIPA and gives you full support”, said Bevanda.

The Minister Ahmetović said that SIPA had become recognisable among police agencies in the fight against organised crime.

“You have gained trust with your work and restored the sense of security of the citizens of BH. I congratulate you from the heart”, said Ahmetović.

He reminded of some important operations in the prevention of organised crime, such as the “Lutka” and “Bos” operations.

“There are numerous obligations still ahead of you, but I am completely convinced that his Agency will manage to respond to all challenges”, said Ahmetović.

Goran Zubac, the SIPA’s Director, highlighted excellent cooperation with other police agencies and reminded once again that SIPA was there for the citizens of BH.

“Our mission is to provide the citizens with safe and peaceful life”, said the Director Zubac and sent a clear message that “No one can hide from SIPA”.

He added that SIPA would continue its development and success.

During the ceremony, Awards of Recognition and Letters of Appreciation were presented to the most prominent members of SIPA.

A special Award of Recognition and “Golden Police Medal” were presented to the Director Goran Zubac. “Golden Medals” were also presented to Anđelko Hrgić and Vahidin Šahinpašić. A “Medal of Bravery” was presented to Milomir Lopatić and “Silver Police Medals” were presented to Žarko Kalem, Velimir Rašević and Igor Kujača.

For an exceptional contribution to the development of SIPA, a special Letter of Appreciation and an engraved watch were presented to the Agency’s first Director, Sredoje Nović.

Photographs from the celebration can be seen here.