OTHERS ABOUT US: Reactions to “Damask” Operation

On 3 September 2014, police officials of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA), in cooperation with other law enforcement agencies in BH, carried out an anti-terrorist operation code-named “Damask”. During the operation, 16 individuals were arrested and buildings at several locations across BH were searched. 

The operation code-named “Damask” attracted much attention from the media in BH, which were reporting about the activities by members of SIPA for days, as well as media from the region and the world. Among others, the American Reuters, Associated Press, Bloomberg Agency, German Deutsche Welle and Lebanese Daily Star reported about the operation by SIPA.

In addition, this operation was praised by experts on security and terrorism. Vlado Azinović, Professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Sarajevo said it was good that the operation “Damask” was directed at individuals who provided some sort of ideological inspiration and even organised and funded such activities. “It is always easier to prevent the problem than remedy its consequences”, said Azinović.

Jasmin Ahić, Professor at the Faculty of Criminalistics, Criminology and Security Studies said for Hayat TV that the operation “Damask” was an indicator that BH had high quality capacities in police structures able to respond to all types of threats, even the most complex ones, such as terrorism and financing of terrorist activities.

Mehmed Bradarić, a member of the Joint Committee on Defence and Security of the Parliamentary Assembly BH, publicly expressed his content with the operation “Damask” and stated that only united we could tackle even the most serious problems in our country. He pointed out the fact that more than 200 police officials from different BH law enforcement agencies took part in this operation.

Mladen Ćavar, Deputy Minister of Security BH, also expressed his content with the successful operation: “We give full support to the work of judicial and police authorities in BH in combating all types of crime, including anti-terrorism, which is one of the top priorities of the Ministry and security structures in BH”, said Ćavar.