Operation “List“ Underway – SIPA and ITA Searching Dozens of Locations

Early this morning (13/7/2015) – Police officials of the State Investigation and Protection Agency have started the operation codenamed “List” into organised crime in cooperation with the Indirect Taxation Authority B&H (ITA).

Searches of several dozens of locations in Široki Brijeg, Posušje, Šamac, Brčko distrikt, Grude, Maglaj, Bijeljina, Mostar, Ljubuški and Ljubinje are underway on grounded suspicion of commission of the criminal offence of organised crime in conjunction with criminal offences of tax evasion or fraud, abuse of official position or authority, accepting gifts and other forms of benefits and giving gifts and other forms of benefits.

Members of the organised criminal group are brought into connection with the smuggling of high-tariff goods in BiH, and illegal trafficking in tobacco leaves and cut tobacco. They are suspected of having put over 220 tons of cut tobacco into illegal circulation on the B&H market with the aim of acquiring illegal proceeds, whereby the budget of Bosnia and Herzegovina was damaged in the amount of over 18 million BAM.

The activities are carried out upon orders of the Court B&H and Prosecutor’s Office B&H. More information will be released during the day.