One Individual Apprehended in Continuation of 'Master' Operation

Today in the afternoon, in the continuation of the activities under the case codenamed 'Master', members of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) apprehended the individual with initials MV.

MV was deprived of liberty due to grounds for suspicion of having committed the criminal offence under the Article 250 paragraph (1) of the CC B&H 'Organised Crime' and in conjunction with the criminal offence under the Article 210 paragraph (4) of the CC B&H 'Tax Evasion or Fraud', criminal offence under the Article 216 paragraph (3) of the CC B&H 'Customs Fraud' and criminal offence under the Article 209 paragraph (2) of the CC B&H 'Money Laundering'.

Following criminal processing in the SIPA premises, the apprehended individual will be handed over to the Prosecutor's Office for further action.