Official Opening of Interview Room for Minor Victims of Human Trafficking

An official opening of the interview room for minor victims of human trafficking and other types of violence took place in the premises of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) in Istočno Sarajevo. The room was equipped within the French Government project aimed at enhancing capacities for combating human trafficking. The opening ceremony was attended by the Ambassador of France in B&H H.E. Roland Gilles.

The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through a regional technical advisor in charge of the fight against human trafficking in South Eastern Europe, financed the construction and equipping of the room for conducting interviews with minor victims (furniture, equipment for audio and video recording of interviews, police two-way mirror, etc.). After putting the room into operation, the Homeland Security Department of the French Embassy organised, within the same project, training for police officials and representatives of non-governmental organisations to ensure optimal utilisation of resources and rational use of the room by all stakeholders in B&H dealing with human trafficking.

These assistance and cooperation activities, carried out thanks to the involvement of the regional technical advisor, are part of a global policy of the Republic of France in this region in relation to the fight against human trafficking.

Ambassador Gilles said they would continue to support the SIPA efforts in fighting all types of crime, pointing out that crime knows no borders and that the goal is to strengthen the common European space in the fight against crime. He also said that the excellent cooperation with SIPA will be intensively continued through the organisation of thematic seminars for its investigators.

Goran Zubac, SIPA Director expressed his particular satisfaction with the today’s event and presented the French Ambassador with the embossed emblem of the State Investigation and Protection and certificate of appreciation for his support to the capacity building of SIPA. Despite the efforts of the authorities, human trafficking is still present in our country and the most common types are labour exploitation - begging and prostitution. Bosnia and Herzegovina as a country of origin, transit and destination for trafficking victims continues to fight this type of crime, and the setting up of the interview room will contribute to the improvement of the system of support to trafficking victims.

You can find the photos of today’s event here.