Nicholas Hill Visited SIPA

Today (16/6/2014) - Charge d'Affaires of the US Embassy in B&H Nicholas Hill visited the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) and met with the Director Goran Zubac. B&H ICITAP Director Charles Bennett and US Embassy Legal Attaché Luis Quesada also attended the meeting. The meeting topics included police cooperation at all levels in B&H and strengthening of SIPA capacities.

Director Zubac pointed out that SIPA is an important subject of international police cooperation in the fight against all types of crime but also the importance of cooperation between law enforcement agencies at all levels in B&H. He also emphasized that the strengthening of material-technical and human capacities of SIPA is a priority where he expects the support of the US Embassy and ICITAP.

Nicholas Hill said he greatly appreciates the cooperation with SIPA, which has been successful in the previous period as well as the results that SIPA has achieved in the fight against the most complex types of crime. He expressed his willingness to provide support in strengthening the overall capacities of SIPA and the implementation of its goals in the future.