Minister of Republic of Srpska Ministry of Interior Visited SIPA

On 23 May 2013, Mr Radislav Jovičić, the Minister of the Republic of Srpska Ministry of Interior visited the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) and met with Mr Goran Zubac, Director of the Agency.
The subject of the discussion were activities in combating the most complex criminal offences, particularly organised crime, corruption and terrorism, as well as priorities of SIPA and RS Ministry of Interior in this area and improvement of cooperation.

The director Zubac said that we operated as a single agency in the fight against crime, which was our responsibility to the citizens. He emphasised good cooperation with RS Ministry of Interior, particularly during the most complex operations carried out by SIPA. He also announced the continuation of operations in combating organised crime. Minister Jovičić expressed gratitude to the Director of SIPA for his reception and said that cooperation with SIPA was good and it would be improved in the future. The Director of SIPA handed the embedded emblem of the State Investigation and Protection Agency, its highest recognition, to the Minister Jovičić for successful cooperation and Minister Jovičić presented the embedded emblem of RS Ministry of Interior to Director Zubac.

Photos of today’s visit can be found here.