Members of SIPA’s Special Support Unit Successfully Completed Alpine Training

In the period 12 - 19 May 2013, members of the “Beta 5” Special Alpine Team of SIPA’s Special Support Unit attended an alpine training, organised by SIPA in Paklenica National Park in the Republic of Croatia.
The training was carried out in a mountain climbing ground in Paklenica Park by the Head of the SSU Special Alpine Group, Instructor of Alpinism.

The subject areas covered during the training included operation in high altitude, overcoming natural barriers in high altitude, rescue and self-rescue from high altitude and dry rock climbing.
These activities were carried out in the framework of the annual Training Plan and Programme for the members of SIPA’s Special Support Unit. These types of trainings contribute to the overall professional training of the members of this prestigious Unit.

The photos of the training can be found here.