Members of SIPA in One-Year UN Peacekeeping Mission in Sudan

On 6 April 2013, six police officials from Bosnia and Herzegovina, including two members of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA), departed for Sudan, to a one-year UN Peacekeeping Mission.

The police officials will spend a minimum of one year in the UN Peacekeeping Mission in Sudan and their task is to transfer their knowledge to the local police. Members of the Peacekeeping Mission will be providing support to the local police by counselling, training and monitoring their work.

So far, 33 police officials from Bosnia and Herzegovina have been engaged in Sudan and now there will be 39 of them, including 11 police officials from SIPA. The police officials from BH are engaged in UN Peacekeeping Missions in Sudan, Liberia and Cyprus. In these missions, 14 members of SIPA are engaged as well.

The UN Mission in Sudan was established in 2005 by the Resolution 1590 (2005) with the aim of providing support to the implementation of the peace agreement, humanitarian aid and promotion of human rights and freedoms.

The participation in the peacekeeping missions is an international obligation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, contribution to the international peace and an indicator of stability and development of BH and its institutions. It also contributes to the reputation of our country in the world. Therefore, SIPA is particularly proud of the participation of its members in the UN peacekeeping missions.