Members of International Police Association (IPA) Visited SIPA

On 24 October 2014, the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) was visited by members of the International Police Association (IPA) Kikinda, Subotica and Orašje Sections. The members of these clubs were in a visit to the IPA Sarajevo Regional Office and expressed a wish to visit SIPA.

During the visit to SIPA, around 30 members of the International Police Association (IPA) from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina were introduced to the organisational structure, competence and role of SIPA in the BH security system. Representatives of the Criminal Investigation Department of SIPA presented the most important results. 

They also visited the official premises of SIPA, as well as the Special Support Unit headquarters, where they met with Jovica Mirosavljević, the acting Unit Deputy Commander. He introduced them to the role and importance of this elite Unit, whereby they watched a promotional video of the Special Support Unit presenting SSU exercises and footage of actual operations, as well as equipment used by the Unit.

 The International Police Association (IPA) has more than 400.000 members from 63 countries. The visit by its members was an excellent opportunity for exchange of experience, development of friendly relations between colleagues from the countries of the region and expansion of the international Association’s network whose members are also officials of SIPA.