Member of SIPA the Best Participant of “Conventional Instructor Training Course” in Czech Republic

A member of the Special Support Unit of the State Investigation and protection Agency (SIPA) was declared the best participant of the “Conventional Instructor Training Course” held in Vyskov, Czech Republic. The training was held from 24 February to 4 April 2014 and it was organised by the British Embassy in BH and British Armed Forces.

The training was delivered by instructors of the British Armed Forces (Royal Marines). Members of Armed Forces of the Czech Republic, Montenegro, Macedonia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Slovakia, Georgia and Ukraine attended the training.

The training programme included lectures on various topics with the aim of acquiring basic skills of good instructors. The lectures covered the following domains: qualities of a good instructor, student learning phases, student examination techniques, planning and preparation of lessons, structure of lessons for technical skills, additional tools for training delivery, etc.

This training increased the level of skills of SIPA’s members in this field, which they would use in their future work and transfer the acquired knowledge to their colleagues.