Member of SIPA in Peace Keeping Mission in Liberia Received Recognition for Outstanding Leadership


Owing to professional performance of duties and remarkable results, Ognjen Crnogorac, a member of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) and Region 1 Commander in the Peace Keeping Mission in Liberia, was awarded a special recognition for outstanding leadership during his tenure in the Mission.

On 28 May 2014, this important recognition, as the highest recognition for UN Peace Keeping Mission members, was handed to Ognjen Crnogorac by Gregory Hinds, UNMIL Police Mission Commissioner.

The tenure of Ognjen Crnogorac in the Peace Keeping Mission in Liberia ends on 4 June 2014, after three years. In this time, he achieved significant results through his professionalism and selfless commitment in the Mission.

The Region 1, commanded by Crnogorac, covers an area of 6.130 square kilometres, with the population of 516.000. In this region, there are 30 police sections with 383 members of the Liberian National Police, and members of UNMIL from all over the world provide daily assistance by counselling, training and monitoring their work.

Participation in the Peace Keeping Missions is an international obligation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a sign of stability and development of a country and its institutions. It also represents a contribution to the international peace. Therefore, SIPA is very proud of exceptional results accomplished by its members in the UN Missions.

You can find the recognition here.