Kid`s Festival 2013: Children Visiting SIPA

10 June, 2013 - As part of this year's cultural event "Kid's Festival", the children from Salakovci visited the SIPA’s Special Support Unit (SSU) and spent some time with the SSU members. About thirty children had a chance to meet the Unit’s members through various demonstration drills, games and competitions. During an hour visit to the SIPA members, the children had a chance to fight with the “red man“, climb the tower, play soccer, walk on the trunk, jump the rope and try the Laser Shot.

The State Investigation and Protection Agency took part in this year's Kid's Festival, since such event is a way to further develop a relation of trust with the youngest citizens, and to develop their love for the police. All children were given T-shirts with the logo of the Agency and Kid’s Festival while the most successful contestants received schoolbags with the Agency’s logo.

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