Joint Training of SIPA Special Support Unit and MoI of the Republic of Serbia

Cooperation between the SIPA Special Support Unit and special police units from the regional countries is continued through a joint training of the SIPA Special Support Unit and Special Anti-Terrorist Unit (SAT) of the MoI of the Republic of Serbia.

The training „Tactics of Special Operations“attended by the members of the SIPA Special Support Unit took place at the SAT HQ in the Republic of Serbia within the period 23/9 – 27/9/2013.

 The training enhanced the knowledge and skills of the Unit's members in this domain and contributed to building friendship between these two elite units. The acquired skills will expand the range of tactics in operational activities of the SIPA members.

„Continued cooperation with the members of the Republic of Serbia MoI's SAT through joint trainings is one of the indicators that SIPA Special Support Unit members are willing to continuously acquire new knowledge and qualifications as well as to share their knowledge and skills with their counterparts from the region in domain of tactics of special operations“, SIPA SSU Commander, Mirsad Viić said.